Shot by cHota gAbbar
Feature | Supported |
Vanilla Photo Mode | No |
Hotsampling | No |
DSR | Yes (through Desktop) |
Custom Aspect Ratios | No |
Reshade | Yes |
Ansel | No |
Graphics API | DirectX 11 |
Game version | E S 5.0.4 |
You can use two tools to unlock the camera in this game. Even though both are mostly similar, each does offer some unique camera movement options that the other does not.
Camera unlocker by IDK31 and One3rd
This Cheat Engine table works with both the Steam S and the Epic Games Store E versions. Compared to the second tool, this one has finer camera control and even allows the player to pause the game and disable the Main Menu HUD. A basic summary of the flow is:-- Open the CET and attach it to the game's executable process.
- In the CET, click on Activate Mono Features in the Mono tab.
- While in-game, toggle the Main Menu once. Then press
Caps Lock
and wait for the script to be enabled. Now upon pressingESC
, the Main Menu is no longer visible and the game will be paused. -
Enable the freecam script (you may add a hotkey to toggle this) and use the following keys to move the camera:
Numpad 2/8
: Y axisNumpad 4/6
: X axisNumpad 3/9
: Z axisArrow keys
: X/Y axis rotation
- Pressing
again will unpause the game and bring the camera back to its original position.
Keeping the freecam script enabled during gameplay will result in the camera being jittery.
The game has to be paused in order to move the camera while using the tool. That is, you cannot move the character with the camera unlocked, unlike the second tool.
Free cam by Abarichello
This Cheat Engine table works with the Steam S version. It unlocks the camera and allows it to move freely in the game's 2.5D space. Clone the repository or zip and extract to download the files. Follow the instructions on the Github page to use the tool. Below is a basic summary of the flow:-- Open the CET and attach it to the game's executable process.
- In the CET, click on Activate Mono Features in the Mono tab.
- Use the tilde (
) key to toggle the freecam. Toggling off the freecam brings the camera back to its original position. - On pressing
, a screen will pop up showing the Lua output everytime you press the key. In that window, go to View and uncheck Show on print. -
Use the following keys to control the camera:
Numpad +/-
: Camera Zoom In/Zoom Out / X Position-/=
: Camera Fast Zoom In/Out / X PositionNumpad 2/8
: Camera Y CoordinatesNumpad 4/6
: Camera Z CoordinatesNumpad 1/3
: Camera PitchNumpad 7/9
: Camera Yaw
Although the camera movement is quite smooth, it has a bit of inertia and continues to move slightly even after the key is no longer being pressed. As a result, it lacks the finegrain control of the CET below.
Unlike the first tool, you can move the character while having the camera unlocked. Since the game does not need to be paused to move the camera, you can take long exposure shots with this tool.
The in-game resolution settings caps out at your desktop resolution. If you want to play at higher resolutions (like 4K), set your desktop resolution to the corresponding value; only then the in-game settings show the higher resolutions.