Borderlands 3

Shot by Otis_Inf


Feature Supported
Vanilla Photo Mode Yes
Ansel No
Hotsampling Yes
Custom Aspect Ratios Yes
Reshade Yes
Graphics API DirectX 11 / 12


Useful Console Commands


Recommended console tweaks are the following. You can concatenate them together using the | character to one string and copy/paste them into the console in the game.

sg.ShadowQuality 5|sg.FoliageQuality 5|sg.ViewDistanceQuality 5|sg.PostProcessQuality 5|sg.EffectsQuality 5|sg.TextureQuality 5|r.Shadow.DistanceScale 4|r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM 0|r.Streaming.PoolSize 4096|r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed 256|r.SSR.Quality 4|r.MaxQualityMode 1|r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale 0.001|r.maxanisotropy 16 

These set all quality settings to maximum and tweak the in-game streaming configuration so when you switch to a higher resolution it's going to load textures much faster than with the default settings.

Gameplay / Screenshots

For screenshots, you can use the built-in camera of the UUU, also within the photomode. The debug camera can be handy however, hence it's mentioned below

Enables the UE4 free camera. Use the UUU camera whenever possible however, use this camera e.g. in combination of TeleportToDebugCamera.
Teleports your character to the current camera location
slomo 0.5 / slomo 1.0
Slow motion / Normal game speed
showhud 0 / showhud 1
hides / shows the in-game HUD. This is useful if you're using the debug camera instead of the in-game photomode. It's required to specify this command before you enable the debug camera otherwise it won't work.
Pauses the game, which can be handy when you're trying to take a shot during a cutscene. The Universal Console Unlocker comes with a timestop but that doesn't pauses cutscenes properly. Specifying pause again continues the game
camera 3rd
Switch to 3rd person view.
camera 1st
Switch to 1st person view


r.DepthOfFieldQuality 0
Disables the in-game DoF
r.MotionBlurQuality 0
Switches off motion blur. This can help with blurry elements when you pause the game and use the debug camera or the in-game photomode.
r.DefaultFeature.LensFlare 0
Disables the lensflare
r.BloomQuality 0
Disables the bloom
r.Fog 0
Disables the fog

Tips and Tricks

The console has a history. Simply press arrow-up to get the list of last entered commands. This allows you to quickly switch between previously entered commands like Pause, r.PostProcessAAQuality 2 etc.