DOOM Eternal

Shot by ItsYFP


Feature Supported
Vanilla Photo Mode Yes
Hotsampling Yes
DSR Unknown
Custom Aspect Ratios Yes
Reshade Yes (Vulkan)
Ansel No
Graphics API Vulkan


Tips and Tricks

Console Commands/Hotsampling Info

DOOM Eternal does support Hotsampling with Limits. While every Horizontal AR (16:9, 21:9 etc) seems to work, Vertical AR gets squinched.

Open console with tilde, you can copy and paste commands into the console.

g_allowphotomode 1
Enable photomode before finishing a level

photomode_freecamleashdistance -1
Disable the range limiter

photomode_freecammovementtype 2
Disable the camera collision

Other Interesting Commands for Better Images

r_antialiasing 0 - 0 = Disabled, 1 = Temporal SSAA (32x), 2 = Nvidia DLSS
g_showPlayerShadow 1 - enables shadow of player model
r_shadowPlayerLOD 0 - shadow lod level for player/weapon shadow
r_shadowAtlasHeight 16384 - Shadow map size in height, 8192 ( default ) 
r_shadowAtlasWidth 16384 - Shadow map size in width, 8192 ( default ) 
r_shadowAtlasTileSize 5200 - Shadow size. Default is "2048".
r_shadowLodForceValue 0 - Force a specific lod level for shadow rendering of dynamic models. -1: Use the same LoD as opaque.
r_cloudsQuality 3 - 0: low, 1: medium, 2: high, 3: very high
r_cloudsQualityUseJitter 0 - 1: use jitter, 0: no jitter ( needs higher quality r_cloudsQuality cvar value )
r_lodScale 1.5 - Scale for LODs (use smaller value to switch lods more aggressively)
r_lodForce -1 - render a specific lod only
r_lodRender -1 - renderer uses lods 
r_filmGrainRatio -1 - Film grain - allow overriding art settings
r_dlssTextureLodBias -5 - DLSS texture LOD epsilon bias
r_dofHalfRes 0 - 0 = full res, 1 = half res ( default )
r_texturelodbias -8 - Set custom lod bias for textures (sharpness)

Do not switch the r_antialiasing from 0 to 1 or 2 as it will make the game hanging and unresponsive. About the r_shadowAtlasTileSize, you can use 4096 if you leave the default for r_shadowAtlasWidth. the film grain is still noticeable even if set at 0. For this, setting r_filmGrainRatio to -1 will disable it completely. If you have a GPU that support DLSS, it would help more to set the AA to it and play with the r_dlssTextureLodBias.