Shot by VicenteProD
Feature | Supported |
Vanilla Photo Mode | Yes |
Hotsampling | Yes |
DSR | Yes |
Custom Aspect Ratios | Yes |
Reshade | Yes (DX11) |
Ansel | Yes |
Graphics API | DirectX 11 |
- Camera tools by Otis_Inf
Features: Camera control, FoV control, HUD toggle, timestop/gamespeed, hotsampling, DOF removal, LOD improvements, camera paths - Cheat Table by Otis_Inf
Features: Works in Steam and Origin versions of the game, Unlocks Ansel during in-game cinematics, unlocks Ansel boundaries, clipping is allowed (going through solid objects), FOV Control, DOF Removal in in-game cinematics.
Tips and Tricks
Customize aspect ratio
For custom aspect ratios, game must be launched in windowed mode. SRWE has to be used to resize the window to the desired aspect ratio.
Customize engine settings
Go to: C:\Users\<your user name>\Documents\My Games\A Plague Tale Innocence
Open 'ENGINESETTINGS' in notepad. At the bottom change any setting value to 1 = on, or to 0 = off
For example, change Fringe 1 to Fringe 0, and LensDistortion 1 to LensDistortion 0.
Do this after the game has been closed, then restart the game