Shot by Otis_Inf
Feature | Supported |
Vanilla Photo Mode | Yes |
Ansel | No |
Hotsampling | Yes |
DSR | Yes |
Custom Aspect Ratios | Yes (with cheat table) |
Reshade | Yes, see guide below |
Graphics API | DirectX 12 |
- Cheat table for enhancing the in-game photomode by Otis_Inf and Skall
Features: Unlimited range in PM, higher details, no black bars in non-16:9 aspect ratio's and custom in-game FoV
The game has Easy Anti Cheat enabled. This means that if you want to use the cheat table, you have to disable the anti cheat. See below.
When you run into trouble with Reshade, e.g. the game hangs or crashes, please go to the folder <steam installation folder>\Space Marine 2\client_pc\root\bin\pc
and delete or rename
. Reshade should then work normally in the game (if you disable Easy Anti Cheat of course, see below).
If the guide refers to <steam installation folder>
below, it refers to the root folder where your game's installation folder is located.
Disabling the Easy Anti Cheat
To be able to use the cheat table to alter the photomode behavior and tweak other things in the game, you have to disable the Easy Anti Cheat (EAC). This is straightforward but has the consequence that you can't play online in PVP matches.
To disable the EAC, please go to the folder <steam installation folder>\Space Marine 2\client_pc\root\bin\pc
and create a new bat file, e.g. rungame.bat
and open it in notepad. Paste the following
lines in the file and save it:
set SteamAppId=2183900 set SteamGameId=2183900 "Warhammer 40000 Space Marine 2 - Retail.exe"
When you want to run the game without EAC, start this bat file instead of running it from Steam.
Disabling barrel distortion / CA / letterboxing in cutscenes
To disable the barrel distortion in the game, as well as the chromatic aberration and the letterboxing that's applied to cutscenes, you have to add some text files to some folders. This is described below.
Disabling barrel distortion
To disable barrel distortion, go to the folder <steam installation folder>\Space Marine 2\client_pc\root
and create the following folders: local\presets\data\default_camera_effects
then go to the folder default_camera_effects
you just created so you're now in the folder <steam installation folder>\Space Marine 2\client_pc\root\local\presets\data\default_camera_effects
Create a new file called lense_distortion.s3dprs
and open it in notepad. Be sure it doesn't have a suffix .txt
Paste the following:
preset = {
params = {
enabled = False
params = {
floatParam00 = 0.01
floatParam01 = 0
floatParam02 = 1
floatParam03 = 0
floatParam04 = 2
floatParam05 = 2
floatParam06 = 1.2
__type__ = "screen_effect_13"
and save the file.
Disabling chromatic aberration
(If you already have disabled barrel distortion, you already have made this folder)
To disable chromatic aberration, go to the folder <steam installation folder>\Space Marine 2\client_pc\root
and create the following folders: local\presets\data\default_camera_effects
then go to the folder default_camera_effects
you just created so you're now in the folder <steam installation folder>\Space Marine 2\client_pc\root\local\presets\data\default_camera_effects
Create a new file called chromatic_aberration.s3dprs
and open it in notepad. Be sure it doesn't have a .txt
Paste the following:
preset = {
ChromaticAberration = {
Enabled = False
Scale = 0.25
floatParam01 = 1
floatParam02 = 1.5
floatParam03 = 2
__type__ = "image_effects"
and save the file
Disabling letterboxing in cutscenes
To disable letterboxing in cutscenes, you have to create two files.
Go to the folder <steam installation folder>\Space Marine 2\client_pc\root
and create the following folders: local\presets\data\cinematic
then go to the folder cinematic
you just created so you're now in the folder <steam installation folder>\Space Marine 2\client_pc\root\local\presets\data\cinematic
Create a new file called letterbox.s3dprs
and open it in notepad. Be sure it doesn't have a .txt
Paste the following:
preset = {
params = {
enabled = False
priority = 40
params = {
floatParam00 = 2.35
__type__ = "screen_effect_15"
and save the file.
Now create a new folder inside the cinematic
folder called magnus
and go into this folder, so you're now in the folder
<steam installation folder>\Space Marine 2\client_pc\root\local\presets\data\cinematic\magnus
Create a new file called letterbox_magnus.s3dprs
and open it in notepad. Be sure it doesn't have a .txt
Paste the following:
preset = {
params = {
enabled = False
params = {
floatParam00 = 2.35
__type__ = "screen_effect_15"
and save the file.
Cheat table related information
- The cheat table offers a feature to enable an infinite range for the photomode. However enabling this during gameplay will cause issues. So disable the range unlocker option when you close the photomode. You can toggle the range unlocker by pressing Scroll lock. You can of course assign a different key to the entry in cheat engine.
- Enabling the pillar box remover will give a low FoV. To fix that enable the game fov override and specify a higher FoV, e.g. 80 or 90.
- To get higher details further away you have to enable the entry in the table and then change the value manually. Ultra will use a value of 0.9, and a value of 0.1 gives nice details in the distance. You can keep this enabled. To change the value, simply double click it in cheat engine.