
Shot by cHota gAbbar


Feature Supported
Vanilla Photo Mode No
Hotsampling No
Custom Aspect Ratios Yes
Reshade Yes
Ansel No
Graphics API DirectX 9


Enable Console

Start the game, open Settings and then the Keyboard section. Click on Advanced, and in the new window, tick the select box that says Enable Developer Console. By default, the tilde key is used to toggle the console window.

Console Commands

  • Server Cheats: To allow you to use the next command, you need to enable cheats in the server (local). To do so, you can do either of the following:-
    • Open your console and type sv_cheats 1 to enable cheats (and sv_cheats 0 to disable them).
    • Open your console and type the following two commands. This will allow you to enable and disable server cheats by pressing x and z respectively.*
      1. bind "x" "sv_cheats 1"
      2. bind "z" "sv_cheats 0"
  • NoClip: To freely move (rather levitate) through a level, you need to use the noclip command. Keep in mind, you need to have server cheats enabled for this to work. Do either of the following:-
    • Open your console and type noclip to toggle it on and off.
    • Open your console and type bind "v" "noclip". Now, you can press v to toggle noclip on and off.
  • HUD and Crosshair: You can show (or hide) the HUD and crosshair by doing either of the following:-
    • Open your console and type cl_drawhud 0 to hide the HUD and Crosshair (and cl_drawhud 1 to show them).
    • Open your console and type the following two commands. This will allow you to show and hide the HUD and Crosshair by pressing g and h respectively.*
      1. bind "g" "cl_drawhud 0"
      2. bind "h" "cl_drawhud 1"
  • ViewModel: You can show and hide your gun viewmodel by doing either of the following:
    • Open your console and type r_drawviewmodel 0 to hide your viewmodel (and r_drawviewmodel 1 to show it).
    • Open your console and type the following two commands. This will allow you to show and hide the gun viewmodel by pressing b and n respectively.*
      1. bind "b" "r_drawviewmodel 0"
      2. bind "n" "r_drawviewmodel 1"

* Keep in mind if you have other actions bound to these keys, you may experience unwanted behaviour. Feel free to replace these with keys of your choices.

Depth Buffer

To properly set up the Depth Buffer access, follow this guide. You will most probably need to check the Copy depth buffer before clear operations box. You may also have to disable MSAA. Go to Options -> Video -> Advanced and select Antialiasing mode as None.