Shot by ItsYFP
Feature | Supported |
Vanilla Photo Mode | Yes |
Hotsampling | Yes |
DSR | Unknown |
Custom Aspect Ratios | Yes |
Reshade | Yes (Vulkan) |
Ansel | No |
Graphics API | Vulkan |
- Dev Console cheat table by SunBeam
Features: Developer Console/Commands (mainly for early Photomode in our case). See https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=11889 for details.
Tips and Tricks
Console Commands/Hotsampling Info
DOOM Eternal does support Hotsampling with Limits. While every Horizontal AR (16:9, 21:9 etc) seems to work, Vertical AR gets squinched.
Open console with tilde, you can copy and paste commands into the console.
g_allowphotomode 1
Enable photomode before finishing a level
photomode_freecamleashdistance -1
Disable the range limiter
photomode_freecammovementtype 2
Disable the camera collision
Other Interesting Commands for Better Images
r_antialiasing 0 - 0 = Disabled, 1 = Temporal SSAA (32x), 2 = Nvidia DLSS g_showPlayerShadow 1 - enables shadow of player model r_shadowPlayerLOD 0 - shadow lod level for player/weapon shadow r_shadowAtlasHeight 16384 - Shadow map size in height, 8192 ( default ) r_shadowAtlasWidth 16384 - Shadow map size in width, 8192 ( default ) r_shadowAtlasTileSize 5200 - Shadow size. Default is "2048". r_shadowLodForceValue 0 - Force a specific lod level for shadow rendering of dynamic models. -1: Use the same LoD as opaque. r_cloudsQuality 3 - 0: low, 1: medium, 2: high, 3: very high r_cloudsQualityUseJitter 0 - 1: use jitter, 0: no jitter ( needs higher quality r_cloudsQuality cvar value ) r_lodScale 1.5 - Scale for LODs (use smaller value to switch lods more aggressively) r_lodForce -1 - render a specific lod only r_lodRender -1 - renderer uses lods r_filmGrainRatio -1 - Film grain - allow overriding art settings r_dlssTextureLodBias -5 - DLSS texture LOD epsilon bias r_dofHalfRes 0 - 0 = full res, 1 = half res ( default ) r_texturelodbias -8 - Set custom lod bias for textures (sharpness)
Do not switch the r_antialiasing
from 0 to 1 or 2 as it will make the game hanging and unresponsive.
About the r_shadowAtlasTileSize
, you can use 4096 if you leave the default for r_shadowAtlasWidth
the film grain is still noticeable even if set at 0. For this, setting r_filmGrainRatio
to -1 will disable it completely.
If you have a GPU that support DLSS, it would help more to set the AA to it and play with the r_dlssTextureLodBias