Hogwarts Legacy, shot by Hary
We don't bite! Well, most of us don't.
Our Discord server is the beating heart of FRAMED. It's where we gather to discuss screenshots, contribute to the site, and talk about whatever else we want.
We pride ourselves on being active members of a closely-knit server, whether that be giving feedback to others, working on new guides for the site, or just showing up to chat and make friends. Participation is a must, as FRAMED is a community first and foremost. It is not a place to share your shots and run, nor is it a place for you to lurk. We want you to keep this community the friendly and welcoming place it's grown into over the years. Inactive members may be removed at our discretion.
You may find the Hall of FRAMED to be quite intimidating. It is one of the best showcases of virtual photography out there, after all. But FRAMED is a place for everyone, from legendary screenshotters whose names you may have seen in the news, to beginners that have just opened a camera tool for the very first time. We only ask that you have a keen interest in learning and sharing everything about screenshotting.